Only for adults

Massage services without intimacy

The site presents photos/videos of erotic content, as well as information on services provided to persons over 18 years of ageThe site presents photos/videos of erotic content, as well as information on services provided to persons over 18 years of age

I’m not 18 years old

Double ecstasy

Double ecstasy

Especially for our men massage in 4 hands as a gift!
Until 18:00 valid for programs from 10 000 rubles
After 18:00 – for programs from 15,000 rubles
Hurry up to catch the opportunity!

*Massage in 4 hands will be done by 2 beauties only in the classical part, but only 1 girl remains for erotic massage, the second one is removed. Who will it be? You decide!

Published: 7 October 2021
Double ecstasy
The salon does not provide services of
an intimate nature!