Moscow, Bolshaya Molchanovka street 18 (Arbatskaya metro station)
Sun—Thu · 13:00-7:00, Fri—Sat · 24 hours

Top programs with sakura massage

Sakura massage technique is one of the most popular among the majority of the stronger sex. Even those who have never been on erotic relaxation have heard about it. And if you’ve been wanting to try something new for a long time, this is an excuse to visit one of the Podium programs with this gentle practice!

What awaits the guest at the session?

A sprig of sakura has been familiar since the days of Ancient Japan, when geisha used it to calm the mind of a warrior and gave him unprecedented enlightenment. Of course, over time, the technique has undergone some changes, but its fundamental principle has not changed – a set of procedures and their sequence are selected individually for the guest. And this means that you will get the expected effect in any case!

We have quite a few suggestions

Sakura massage is combined with almost all popular techniques, and you can get it from us together with the following services:

  • Body massage. This is generally a universal practice that everyone should try at least once in their life. A unique combination of tenderness and sensuality, besides, a great opportunity to feel the warmth of an elastic female breast with your whole body.
  • Lingam massage. This procedure is included in almost every one of our programs, and it helps to get such a discharge, which was not even suspected. By the way, our girls know more than 20 techniques for performing this amazing service, and many of our guests have already appreciated their skill. It’s your turn!

Come to Sakura massage in Podium and fulfill your dreams!

There is so little room for romance in everyday life… So why not compensate for this omission at a relaxation session from the top masters of the capital? We are sure that you will get a lot of emotions that will not leave you for a long time. Well, there is only one way to make sure of this – by visiting our institution. Come on!

Top programs with sakura massage
The salon does not provide services of
an intimate nature!