Moscow, Bolshaya Molchanovka street 18 (Arbatskaya metro station)
Sun—Thu · 13:00-7:00, Fri—Sat · 24 hours

Unforgettable erotic massage for a couple

Are you looking for something unusual for a joint holiday with your soulmate? Erotic massage for couples is exactly what you need! The procedure will rekindle the former passion between you and give you the opportunity to take a fresh look at each other. Don’t know how to persuade your spouse to do this? We’ll give you some tips!

Remember: it’s fun for two

If your girlfriend is too closed and against this kind of vacation, do not despair, we have a lot of programs for men’s recreation. But if your wife is open to something new, you always have the opportunity to invite her to the Podium salon! Many of the fair sex do not even realize how much pleasure is hidden in this procedure for them.

Girls are more sensual than men

This is a common stereotype, in which there is some truth. We bring even the most reserved representatives of the stronger sex to the most powerful orgasm, after which they can squirm for a few more minutes, drowning in pleasure. Approximately the same reaction awaits your beautiful soulmate at an erotic massage session for a married couple:

  • an important rule is to let your girlfriend choose masseuses for you. Let it be those masters who liked her the most;
  • if your partner is rather shy, you can liberate her with a glass of good wine, which is always available in our bar, as well as a joint shower before the program;
  • our craftswoman will start with classical techniques, gently moving all over the body. As practice shows, many of our guests do not even know about all their erogenous zones. We are happy to open new facets of pleasure for them!

Erotic massage for couples – affordable service

Of course, for such a vacation, you should choose the most premium establishment, where you are not ashamed to bring your wife. So Podium is perfect for you! Our girls will be able to find an approach to absolutely any guest, and if your companion is too jealous, just act as an observer while she enjoys the “Immersion” service!

Unforgettable erotic massage for a couple
The salon does not provide services of
an intimate nature!