Moscow, Bolshaya Molchanovka street 18 (Arbatskaya metro station)
Sun—Thu · 13:00-7:00, Fri—Sat · 24 hours

Erotic massage with departure in Moscow

Some men do not have enough time for rest. And someone just does not want to spend leisure time outside their native walls. And for those and for others, we offer an interesting option – erotic massage with a visit to Moscow. Even the most captious and demanding man will like this service! Check it out for yourself.

Why is Podium suitable for such a holiday?

We have been engaged in erotic massage for a long time, and therefore we were able to bring services to a new level. Of course, in the salon there are more chances to hook the guest: here the interior, the sauna with a jacuzzi, and the topless show come to the rescue. When a masseuse goes home to a client, you have to put in 2 times more effort so that he is delighted with the time spent.

How do we implement this idea?

We have a lot of aces up our sleeves, which make our erotic massage for departure one of the best in Moscow.

  • Firstly, our administrator always helps in choosing a girl and in choosing a program. In the first case, he clarifies your preferences and sends additional photos of suitable masters. In order to determine the service, we find out how the client represents the session, and based on this we select the best options.
  • Secondly, our girls do not come empty-handed. If desired, men can take a hookah or a couple of drinks from our bar with them. All this must also be discussed with the administrator at the stage of enrolling in the program.
  • Thirdly, we have transparent pricing. You know in advance how much you will spend on the program, but if you do not have enough time for which you ordered the service, there is always the opportunity to increase it.

Order the best massage for departure in Moscow today

You can learn more about the prices for it both on our website and from the administrator by calling the number indicated in the “Contacts” section. We will answer all your questions in detail and ensure an unforgettable vacation. Allow yourself what you have long dreamed of!

Erotic massage with departure in Moscow
The salon does not provide services of
an intimate nature!