Moscow, Bolshaya Molchanovka street 18 (Arbatskaya metro station)
Sun—Thu · 13:00-7:00, Fri—Sat · 24 hours

What does any erotic massage parlor need?

The obvious components of an erotic massage salon are qualified masters and well-developed programs. Maybe someone will include in this list also the interior, which should be comfortable for the guest. A successful lease will come to mind for some, because it is unlikely that a man will go on vacation to the outskirts of Moscow. But practically no one will name what we want to tell you about …

Relax Products

Yes, not only the gentle hands of the masseuse participate in the session, but also “auxiliaries”. These include several things:

  • various gels, oils and lubricants. Without them, not a single service takes place at all, since the body of the guest must be sufficiently prepared before the main erotic manipulations. And the requirements for such products are very high: they must have the appropriate certification, be hypoallergenic, and also provide optimal glide. Finding these is not so easy;
  • sex toys. In erotic massage parlors, various sessions are held, including those that require vibrators, dildos, etc. In most cases, this applies to urological programs. Of course, these toys are used once, but their quality should still be at the level;
  • costumes for role-playing games. Here explanations are superfluous, but we note: in the arsenal of each masseuse there should be at least 5 costumes for every occasion. The most popular roles in our salon are maid, nurse, mistress and policeman. Well, here you can’t do without outfits alone, you also need to buy handcuffs, a whip … Where can you get so many props? In specialized stores!

What do the masters of the Podium erotic massage salon choose?

Our girls are used to working only with high-quality products, and therefore give their preference to the sex shop SEX-24-7. They not only have a large assortment, but also have certificates of conformity for all products. This means neither we nor our customers will run into a fake. And since recently, when guests ask us where we bought this or that item, we give them not only a link to the store, but also a “Barbie” promo code, which they can use to get a 5% discount! Take advantage of this great offer!

What does any erotic massage parlor need?
The salon does not provide services of
an intimate nature!