Moscow, Bolshaya Molchanovka street 18 (Arbatskaya metro station)
Sun—Thu · 13:00-7:00, Fri—Sat · 24 hours

What is good about erotic massage “Sakura Branch”?

One of the most popular erotic massage techniques “Sakura branch” is liked by most representatives of the stronger sex. It allows you to escape from pressing problems and experience pleasure with every cell of your body. And if you decide to get to know her better, do it in the Podium salon!

We have everything for quality relaxation

Since Moscow is the capital of recreation, it is necessary to keep a set level of service. To make any guest feel comfortable in our apartments, we have carried out a large-scale renovation and are ready to please dear men not only with manual practices, but also with additional features. For example, here you can visit the sauna or hammam, soak up the Jacuzzi or visit the solarium.

We have also worked hard on the development of programs

Since the erotic massage “Sakura Branch” is a rather gentle technique, we recommend combining it with similar services. And what can they be at all?

  • The body massage favored by many is in the first place. What kind of guest will refuse to relax his body about the body? The chic forms of the girl will slide over his torso, arms and back, exciting every cell of the body.
  • No less popular peep show gives mostly visual ecstasy. Watching how a girl gives herself pleasure, you will begin to experience it yourself. Well, if you fix it with a “Twig”, the effect will be stunning.
  • Well, where can I go without Lingam massage? It is suitable for all erotic practices in general, in addition, in the arsenal of our masters there are more than 30 techniques of its execution. You will definitely not be disappointed!

Well, how to choose the most suitable erotic massage program with the Sakura Branch service?

The easiest way is to contact us for help. You can tell us exactly what you expect from your vacation, and the administrator will select the programs that are most suitable for your goals. You can also get acquainted with all our offers in the catalog on the website. Choose the most convenient option and arrange an unforgettable leisure time for yourself!

What is good about erotic massage “Sakura Branch”?
The salon does not provide services of
an intimate nature!