Moscow, Bolshaya Molchanovka street 18 (Arbatskaya metro station)
Sun—Thu · 13:00-7:00, Fri—Sat · 24 hours

What is good erotic body massage?

How would you like to spend your evening? Over a medium-rare steak, a glass of good wine, or in the pleasant company of hot and beautiful girls? If you choose one thing, most will prefer the last option. And if you add an erotic body massage to it … Leisure will sparkle with new colors!

Visit a trusted establishment!

Podium has all the conditions for a comfortable stay. For many years we have been delighting our guests with interesting programs, professional masters and a pleasant atmosphere. And most importantly – we practice an individual approach! And if you have any unrealized fantasies, we will gladly bring them to life. Tell the administrator about your fetishes and how you imagine your vacation, she will be happy to help!

Start with the basics

To organically enter the sphere of erotic relaxation, it is important to choose the right program. We would call this an erotic body massage. Why exactly him?

  • This is a gentle and sensual practice that liberates from the very first minutes. We are well aware that relaxation can be a little embarrassing, especially if you are at such an event for the first time. But do not forget, our girls are professionals!
  • And they will prove it not only in word, but also in deed! Since the goal of the program is to relax the guest as much as possible, they will use different techniques. And when you are fully prepared, they will move on to a more piquant continuation …
  • The very relaxation of the body. Already by the name you can understand what the guest expects at the session. And we advise you to compare expectation with reality! After all, to imagine the sliding of an elastic chest along your chest, back and other areas is one thing, but to feel it …

In Podium, the erotic body massage service is present in many programs

We really have a lot of offers for recreation, you can find each of them in the “Services” section. Of course, we also offer our assistance in choosing a program! Even if you do not know what exactly you want, our girls will certainly help you make the right choice. Just give us a call!

What is good erotic body massage?
The salon does not provide services of
an intimate nature!